Square Framed prints


Fine art Giclee prints in a slim square glass frame with signed mount. Ready to hang. Perfect for the home or as a gift.

16×16″ frame


Fine art Giclee prints in a slim square glass frame with signed mount. Ready to hang.

Perfect for the home or as a gift.

Frame Size 16×16″

Image approx. 12×12″ with signed mount.

Various images available.

Please note; these are not suitable for hanging in areas where moisture is present such as bathrooms, conservatories and alike.

Additional information

Dimensions N/A
Print Choice

Kiss The Rain, Kiss the Rain II, Dancing in the Rain, Breathe, The Yellow Road Home, The White Post, Freddie the Rabbit, Balearic Vibes, I See Blue…, Pain (St Michaels Mount)


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